

拉尔夫·艾伯特| 2022年1月

随着PC游戏的成熟和普及, gamers demand the highest performance possible in their advanced graphics cards to allow for smooth animation, sharp visuals, 高帧率和实时光线追踪, a rendering technique critical for realistic light reflections and cinematic effects. 在过去十年中, the tech industry has come to realize that the graphics processing units (GPUs) that power these gaming animations are also a good fit for data center applications like artificial intelligence (AI) and for modeling and visualization in high-performance computing (HPC). This is because the mathematical and graphical calculations offloaded to the GPU in those workloads are similar to the GPU functions in advanced gaming.

这些游戏、人工智能和高性能计算应用程序有什么共同点? 它们严重依赖于内存性能.

这就是为什么美光认为有必要设计、开发和交付我们的 GDDR6X超带宽解决方案 – the world’s fastest discrete graphics memory solution and the first to power system bandwidth 高达每秒1tb (TB/s).


Since 2006, Micron’s engineers and researchers have explored applying multilevel signaling to the memory interface and dramatically increasing system bandwidth. 超过45项专利 later, Micron is the first in the industry to implement four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) in memory, 为未来几代图形存储器创造了新的基准. The Micron memory is the first production memory input/ourput architecture with PAM4.

采用PAM4多电平信号技术, GDDR6X传输数据的速度快得多, 将I/O数据速率从2位增加到4位. 到目前为止,图形内存的上限是 每秒72gb (GB/s). GDDR6X pushes beyond the traditional binary standard to employ four distinct levels and transmit two bits of data to and from the memory at a time. As a result, 美光的GDDR6X将每个组件的内存带宽提高到84 GB/s, 转换为高达1tb /s的系统带宽.

And, 与传统记忆不同, GDDR6X’s unparalleled data rates are well-suited for the demand of data-hungry applications in gaming and AI, 为显存设定了新的基准.


美光的GDDR6X不仅仅是唯一使用PAM4的存储设备, 将最前沿的I/O研究推向市场, 这也是唯一一款量产的. With its board design and packaging carefully fine-tuned for simplicity by Micron graphics memory experts, GDDR6X offers customers ease of implementation and less complexity than other high-bandwidth solutions on the market. Notably, GDDR6X doubles the data rate in a channel compared to DDR memory without doubling the required operating frequency, 为用户创造流畅的图形体验. 此外,GDDR6X提供 每个事务的功耗更低 比前几代人, making it ideal for energy-sapping workloads like gaming and other high-bandwidth graphics applications that demand both lightning fast and low-power memory. GDDR6X还具有缩小或增加功率的能力, 允许用户拨回性能以节省能源.


构建像GDDR6X这样的解决方案需要深入的行业协作. Micron 宣布可用性 of its GDDR6X memory featuring 8Gb density as part of the company’s Ultra-Bandwidth Solutions portfolio in September 2020. NVIDIA debuted the technology in the company’s GeForce™ RTX 3090 and GeForce RTX 3080 GPUs, 哪些是为支持沉浸式的高速而量身定制的, 高性能游戏应用需求. In June 2021, it was included in the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti and GeForce RTX 3080 Ti.

结合NVIDIA的GeForce RTX gpu, GDDR6X delivers the groundbreaking speed necessary to allow gamers to become fully immersed in virtual worlds through photorealistic and reactive effects without lowering frame rates.


虽然通常与图形搭配, GDDR6X’s uses are expanding beyond graphics cards into other memory-intensive applications like AI. 最近,美光 与Innosilicon合作 推出全球首个经硅验证的商用GDDR6X IP. Innosilicon’s GDDR6X-based PHY chip uses PAM4 signaling to boost the high efficiency and data rates that AI applications demand. The AI collaboration demonstrates GDDR6X’s incredible utility beyond simply being a graphics-focused solution, opening a host of possibilities for using GDDR6X’s game-changing bandwidth and signaling interface.

From pushing next-generation graphics acceleration to supporting breakthrough AI solutions, 美光正在重新定义内存如何突破技术界限. Our leadership and engagement with standards committees drive a collaborative spirit to enable technology advances like PAM4 to be adopted by broader applications and audiences where the balance of bandwidth, 电源和设计易于满足具有挑战性的终端系统要求.

2021 AspenCore世界电子成就奖(WEAA)

As memory becomes increasingly important to delivering end user experiences, I am truly excited for Micron to receive a 2021 AspenCore世界电子成就奖(WEAA) honoring our GDDR6X超带宽解决方案.

The WEAA recognizes some of the world’s most innovative new electronics products. Winners were determined by AspenCore’s global senior industry analysts and online voters in Asia, 欧洲和美国.

With GDDR6X pushing the boundaries of what is possible in graphics acceleration and memory performance, 我很荣幸地看到美光以其创造性的方法获得认可. 通过获得这个奖项, we reaffirm our commitment to be a leader in exploring the frontier of memory innovation.


Award 美光的刘干(右), 全球大客户销售高级总监, 参加了2021年AspenCore WEAA颁奖典礼,接受了公司的奖项.

DEG Graphics总监

Ralf Ebert

Ralf Ebert是GDDR沙巴体育结算平台架构总监. He is responsible for developing the Micron’s GDDR architecture strategy, defining high-speed memory solutions that serve the game console and high-end graphics market as well as emerging segments like crypto and AI. Previously, Ralf held various positions including director of Micron’s global Graphics Memory Business, SDD业务开发高级经理, 市场部高级经理, 以及在供应链和业务流程中的角色.

Ralf has worked in the semiconductor industry since 1997 and spent the last 17 years focusing on memory products in roles at Infineon, 三星和奇梦达. In 2009, 他为尔必达建立并发展了图形业务, 在2013年美光被收购后,他继续了这项工作.