

安德鲁·伯恩斯| 2023年9月

HBM3E的成功发射, 微米 has become a key contributor to the advancement of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Generative AI is the most recent development in 人工智能和机器学习, and thanks to its potential benefits to enterprise businesses today, 70%到80%的人工智能研究都集中在这一领域.

美光创投在2019年推出了我们的人工智能基金, our attention was on computer vision workloads —like imagery analysis in industrial settings and autonomous driving. Our second fund broadened our aperture to deep tech, meaning our focus remained on artificial intelligence, but we gave ourselves more leeway to explore nonlinear technology trends. 在我们基金II的早期, we saw glimmers of an emerging trend called foundation models or generative AI, 到2022年11月-繁荣! -到处都是.

Our explorations gave us unique insights into the trend. So, 从2021年开始, we invested in a series of startups to both leverage generative AI for customer use cases and to improve the underlying technology stack of large 语言 models — a new, massive compute workload built on the foundation of high-performance compute and high-bandwidth memory. 这些投资主要集中在硬件上, 应用程序, enabling software and strategies to make everything run efficiently. 让我们来看一看!

Here are some companies that are using generative AI in specific industry 应用程序:

  • Inworld: Leaders in “mixture of experts” strategies to scale large 语言 models, Inworld is building the AI brain for nonplaying characters (NPCs) in gaming, improving experience and latency well beyond off-the-shelf generative AI. The company was recently included among the top 5 generative AI innovators of the year, 还有谷歌的DeepMind, NVIDIA和OpenAI VentureBeat Transform 2023 事件.
  • 多尺度: Materials re搜索 and development timelines are measured in years if not decades, and costs are exploding as we learn how to manufacture increasingly complex, critical semiconductor and clean energy materials efficiently and at high yields. 多尺度是一种基于人工智能的材料&D platform that cleans and connects materials data silos to accurately define the “next best test” in R&D. 集成在现有的数据科学工作流程中, 多尺度推出了一个新界面, 由生成式人工智能驱动, that gives people who are not technologists an opportunity to rapidly explore new experimentation pathways with new materials.
  • Pryon: This enterprise knowledge 搜索 platform uses secure, 用于私有数据的可伸缩大型语言模型. 自2019年起与客户一起部署, Pryon are well ahead in product and platform design atop generative AI capabilities for use on structured and unstructured enterprise datasets.


  • Avicena: We’ve all heard the statistics on the massive power needed by modern data centers to run generative AI workloads. Avicena builds ultralow power photonic interconnects to attack this energy-scaling issue, replacing copper traces in component-to-component connects with microLEDs and dramatically reducing energy.
  • Eliyan: Similarly tackling energy challenges of data communication, Eliyan goes further by eliminating silicon interposers to deliver high-performance connectivity in organic chip packaging. This approach offers the same performance as advanced packaging at a fraction of total cost of ownership, 它使设计更灵活. 更多HBM3E? 是的,请!
  • 正常计算:绝不是“正常”, 诞生于量子计算, Normal has thought leaders building the foundation of “system 2” AI, layering their unique capabilities over existing enterprise 语言 models to solve issues around trust, 可伸缩性, 理性, model hallucinations and drift in generative AI outputs.
  • SambaNova系统: With a compute system built from the ground up and optimized for large transformer models, SambaNova is the leading contender to bring new accelerator, platform and server architectures to large 语言 model workloads at a global data center scale.

Specialized hardware and software solutions are propelling generative AI to new heights. They facilitate advancements in generative AI by supplying increased processing power, 内存容量和带宽, 减少了电力消耗. These solutions also result in expedited model training and larger models, as well as expanding the frontiers of AI capabilities and creativity.

These are the teams laying the foundations for how generative AI will change our world. 作为内存和存储领域的全球领导者, 微米 is empowering these innovators to bring their technologies to reality.

Reach out if you’d like to know more and see other companies in 美光公司 投资组合.

Director, Venture Capital - Artificial Intelligence


Andy is with 微米’s AI fund investing in some of the world’s top startups. 他是一个正在恢复的创业公司创始人, 作家, 太阳能/电池材料怪胎, and when he’s not thinking about technology innovation and startups, he’s probably running or doing something weird with his young’uns. 而且他很喜欢用"年轻人"这样的词.”